Introducing My New Yearlong Project

Introducing My New Yearlong Project

I’m kicking off the new year out here in the land of 10,000 shades of purple by announcing a new project — Crazy Amazing: The Year of Living Like a Prince. Yes, I will be living like Prince for a year. Yes, I do realize that I am a suburban mom and no, I will not be...
January: Life in the Fasting Lane

January: Life in the Fasting Lane

I began my year of “living like a prince” with a daunting decision. If I could do one thing to launch me successfully into what felt like a hugely intimidating (while also incredibly fun) project, what would it be? What is the one thing, that if I could do it...
Fasting Is a Mental Game

Fasting Is a Mental Game

Overcoming the mental hurdles involved in fasting proved daunting. After starting out strong on my first few fasting days, I began to let extras sneak in here and there — a handful of almonds at 9 p.m. when my stomach was growling, or a couple extra cups of popcorn...
Eating Days Are About “Yes”

Eating Days Are About “Yes”

This is what it looks like … when a writer declutters. My favorite part about Alternate Day Fasting is the delicious anticipation you feel on the night of a fasting day. The feeling is much like the feeling you have as a child going to bed on Christmas Eve, but...

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