How to Win at Alternate Day Fasting

My new motto: Surrender, Dorothy. After the bumpy fasting ride of last week, I needed an attitude adjustment and a Win, with a capital “w.” Granted, things had started out rocky for me. I had coped with a bout of the stomach flu during week two (I was...

Fasting True Confessions

I had a bad fasting day. A very terrible, awful failure of a fasting day. And what adds insult to injury is that the bad day I had on Tuesday created an even worse day on Wednesday. Here’s how it started. On Monday, my husband and I had each had a long day. It...
January: Life in the Fasting Lane

January: Life in the Fasting Lane

I began my year of “living like a prince” with a daunting decision. If I could do one thing to launch me successfully into what felt like a hugely intimidating (while also incredibly fun) project, what would it be? What is the one thing, that if I could do it...

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