What Would Prince Do?

Tap Into Your Inner Purple Yoda and Get Your Mojo Back

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Create a fierce, confident and mischievous YOU!


Daring, one-of-a-kind Prince has fascinated me ever since a friend first dropped “1999” on the record player at a high school party. It was this infatuation that led me to co-author “The Rise of Prince: 1958-1988” and then to live like him for an entire year.

How can the rest of us channel just a bit of Prince’s funky genius? How can we live like an artist who showed us by example how to be our very best selves?

The time is right to reach out for something new. Join me as we ask: What would Prince do?

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Thanks for bringing the love

at the LIVE4LOVE 5-DAY CHALLENGE February 14-19, 2021!

You stepped outside your comfort zone when you dressed up, prioritized play – even proved that YES! Everyday people can create symbols for themselves too! In only 5 days, you began to create a version of yourself that’s bold, confident and funkier than you ever imagined. It’s within your reach — each and every day!

“Embrace it, and don’t overthink it, get wild!”

“I love the idea of the challenge, stepping outside my comfort zone and Prince being the inspiration for it.”

“Being a Prince fan makes it more fun but this course is for everyone!”

7 Things to Share about Living Like Prince

Original artwork gifted to me by Clara Tomaz.  The Year of Living Like Prince is coming to a close. I can't believe it. This has been one of the very best and certainly one of the most memorable years of my life. My greatest hope is that you might feel inspired to...

A Prince-Curated Playlist of His Spiritual Songs

The NPG Music Club inside Paisley Park in Chanhassen, Minn. on Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2016. (Evan Frost/MPR) In the early 2000s, Prince began experimenting with delivering music direct to fans via his NPG (New Power Generation) Music Club. For $100 a year (what a deal!),...

Cultivating an Alter Ego

The month of May will see me embrace a neglected side of my personality in hopes of achieving new heights (or any level at all) of badassery. Badass photo by Phillips Photos. We're entering the fifth month of 2019, and I'm stepping into the month of May feeling...

Author Laura Tiebert Changes Her Name to an Unpronounceable Symbol

The family of the Author Formerly Known as Laura says they have no idea what prompted the adoption of this mysterious symbol, nor any idea how to pronounce it. Her teenage son says he's retreating to his bedroom for the month of April, adding, "This is so awkward." ...

What a Synesthete Sees When She Listens to Prince

Erika Peterson is an L.A.-based artist and a contributor to the Muse 2 the Pharoah podcast that explores Prince, from a female perspective. As someone with synesthesia, until she was 20, she thought everyone experienced music the way she did -- full of color! Here,...

Dress Like Prince

Prince performs at the Ritz Theater on September 9, 1984 in New York City. (Photo by Paul Natkin) Is it possible to dress like Prince without looking like you stepped off the set of Purple Rain? I am here to tell you: It is. In the interest of science, I recently...

Ready to take a walk in Prince’s high-heeled booties?

(and into an exhilarating life!)


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